185: White Man's Burden

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And we're back to our usual format of discussing one particular movie, and we've brought in a special guest to help get us back on track! This week we're joined by our good friend and co-host of the 12 For a Penny podcast, Yama! Aaron and Yama had specific memories of one particular scene from a movie and that's what brought us to discussing White Man's Burden, a story of an alternate timeline in which racial stereotypes are flipped and John Travolta kidnaps Harry Belefonte. So listen up, boppers, because this one's sure to be a doozy!

182: The 13th Warrior


You like vikings? You like Antonio Banderas? You like adventure? If so, then this week's episode will be right up your alley, because all three of those things are present here! In the grand tradition of Sean Connery playing a Spaniard in Highlander and Kevin Costner playing and Englishman in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Antonio Banderas plays a man from the Middle East that finds himself travelling with a group of vikings in The 13th Warrior. Will this action/adventure romp hold up? There's only one way to find out boppers, so listen up!

180: First Blood


This week, we go back to a classic from that other buff action star that isn't Arnold Schwarzenegger. I'm talking about Sylvester Stallone and that hero he played named John. Because this week, we watched First Blood. The story of John the Vietnam War veteran and the small town sheriffs that made his visit miserable. John finds himself trying to survive both physically and mentally. Does John's story hold up? Listen and find out, boppers!

178: Home Alone


The holiday is upon us, and so we've decided to spend the time Home Alone! Watching Home Alone that is! Meanwhile, Aaron and Travis keep the party they started last week going with some disastrous results as one falls flat on his face and the other starts to vomit. Things go off the rails in a way that just screams Plain Zero holiday special. So here it is, the last new episode of the year! We'll see you again in 2018, boppers! And thanks, for joining us for our shenanigans every week!

177: Gremlins


Christmas continues to barrel towards us like a freight train without breaks, and as we brace for the inevitable impact, we take a moment to look at another holiday disaster, namely, what happens when you give someone a Christmas gift that has rules: Gremlins. And since one holiday deserves another, Aaron and Travis toast each other and decide to party up in here with some alcohol. 

170: An American Werewolf In London


The Halloween is close at hand, which means our spook-tacular month is coming to a close. And we decided to end it all with a bang, because this week, we watched a movie featuring what is considered the definitive werewolf transformations. The Dr. Pepper guy and Johnny Dangerously's brother get well acquainted with some of England's more exotic wild life in An American Werewolf In London!